Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things That You Can Do With The Samsung Smart TV

If I can have it my way, I can add gaming applications for the Samsung Smart TV. Since online gaming is also a trend, what would a better way to play it other than the Samsung Smart TV. It won't buffer so you can play your favorite Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or MMORPG on real-time and the gaming experience will be more clear because of the Samsung Smart TV's bigger screen and 3D imagery by using 3D glasses which most computers haven't got. That would be really cool.

When I play MMORPGs on a normal computer desktop, I usually cannot access the internet at the same time because it may slow up the application but with the Samsung Smart TV's multitasking functions, I could probably do both at the same time. I can screen capture the game I am playing especially when I level up and share it with other online gamers. GAME ON!

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