Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tipco Veggie Juice

Sometimes, our food lacks the nourishment that we need because of the chemicals present in the food we eat. We are deprived of the nutrients that we are supposed to get that is substituted when we go instant and fastfood chains. It doesn't give us immunity from diseases.

Tipco offers solution with its veggie juice. They assure that there is no chemical but all natural ingredients. There is no added sugar. Natural sweetness comes from the fruits. It has no preservatives, no colouring, and no added flavoring. Just all natural. Veggie juices contains chlorophyll not found in other fruit juices and helps rebuild our blood cells, detoxify our liver, and removes cancer cells. Each flavor has specific benefits.

The Tipco Veggie juices is now available in leading supermarkets.

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