Friday, January 15, 2010

Contest:Win A Leather Journal From Mukhang Pera and Yes No Meh

Why I Badly Need This Leather Journal?

Before blogging in the internet, I've been writing in my personal journal so I can reflect my experiences and it uplifts my spirits. I drew inspiration for this from Doogie Howser,M.D. Back then, I don't have a computer like Doogie. I rely on big corporate planners that were giveaways from few companies. Whenever I find time, I browsed over my past journal entries and recall. That's were I see myself again in another time and another place. Where I encounter myself as another person. That's what my professor calls liminal experiences. You may also calls a "KODAK moment" because whatever means, it brings you back there.

This is my answer to the contest sponsored by Yes No Meh and bury me in this dress. Check out Mukhang Pera for more online contests!


  1. Hi! Thanks for joining :)

    Please correct the bottom tag. I corrected the code error on my blog post :)

  2. Nawala yung links!

  3. Ack. Sorry for the hassle. Please use the edited code on my blog post instead.

  4. No it's alright. Sorry also for the trouble.I'm really had trouble doing html because of my lack of knowledge of it.I couldn't find which code you are referring. Thanks for being patient. I appreciate it.

  5. Yung nasa grey box dun sa blog entry :) Please comment when you've fixed it. Thanks

  6. Hi! You might want to join my new contest!
